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Unlock your full productivity potential with our comprehensive MS Office course. From Word's polished documents to Excel's powerful data analysis and dynamic presentations using PowerPoint, learn from basic functions to advanced techniques. Elevate your skills, enhance your employability, and conquer the digital workspace with confidence. Enroll now for success!

1.1 Understanding the Excel interface - Ribbon/Tabs/Cells/Columns/ Rows

1.2 Navigating and selecting cells

1.3 Entering data - text/numbers/dates

1.4 Basic formatting - font/fill color/border

1.5 Saving and opening workbooks

1.6 Formulas vs Functions - basic arithmetic operations

2.1 Cell referencing - relative/absolute/mixed

2.2 Basic functions - SUM/AVERAGE/MIN/MAX/COUNT

2.3 Sorting and filtering data

2.4 Data validation - setting up dropdown lists and input restrictions

2.5 Using AutoFill for quick data entry

3.1 Formatting numbers - currency/ percentages/ decimals

3.2 Cell styles and themes

3.3 Conditional formatting - highlight rules/ data bars/ color scales

3.4 Creating basic charts - bar/ line/ pie charts

3.5 Customizing chart elements - data labels/ axis titles/ trendlines

4.1 Using advanced functions - IF/ VLOOKUP/ HLOOKUP/ INDEX/ MATCH

4.2 PivotTables - creating/ modifying/ filtering

4.3 PivotCharts - visualizing PivotTable data

4.4 Grouping and subtotaling data in PivotTables

4.5 Subtotaling and consolidating data

4.6 PivotTable advanced features - calculated fields/ calculated items

4.7 Slicers and timeline filters

4.8 Creating PivotTable dashboards

5.1 Nested functions and formula auditing


5.3 Text functions - CONCATENATE/ LEFT/ RIGHT/ MID

5.4 Logical functions - IFERROR/ AND/ OR/ NOT

5.5 Date and time functions - EOMONTH/ NETWORKDAYS/ DATEDIF

6.1 Advanced chart types - scatter plots/ bubble charts/ radar charts

6.2 Creating dynamic charts with named ranges

6.3 Data validation with dropdown lists

6.4 Building interactive dashboards with slicers

6.5 Using hyperlinks and buttons for navigation

6.6 Combo charts - combining different chart types

6.7 Sparklines - mini-charts within cells

6.8 Using Camera tool for dynamic snapshots

7.1 Advanced data validation - custom formulas/ dynamic dropdowns

7.2 Complex IF statements and nested functions

7.3 Using IFS and SWITCH functions for multiple conditions

7.4 Working with array-based calculations

7.5 Creating dynamic named ranges for advanced validation

8.1 Introduction to macros

8.2 Recording and editing macros

8.3 Running macros using buttons or shortcuts

8.4 Automating repetitive tasks with VBA

8.5 Creating user-defined functions (UDFs)

8.6 Looping structures - For/ While/ Do While

8.7 Handling errors and debugging VBA code

9.1 What-If Analysis - Goal Seek/ Scenario Manager

9.2 Solver - optimization problems

9.3 Data tables - one-variable and two-variable

9.4 Using Power Query for data transformation

9.5 Introduction to Power Pivot and Power BI

10.1 Power Query - merging and appending data/ unpivoting data

10.2 Advanced sorting and filtering techniques

10.3 Using the Data Model for relationships and advanced calculations

10.4 Database functions - DSUM/DAVERAGE/DGET

10.5 Text to Columns - advanced data splitting

11.1 Sharing workbooks - tracking changes/ merging copies

11.2 Protecting worksheets and workbooks

11.3 Password protection and encryption

11.4 Workbook properties and document inspection

11.5 Finalizing workbooks for distribution

11.6 Data validation across multiple sheets

11.7 Customizing the Excel Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar

12.1 Creating and saving documents

12.2 Navigating and selecting text

12.3 Basic formatting - font/ size/ color/ alignment

12.4 Undo and redo actions

13.1 Paragraph formatting - line spacing/ indentation

13.2 Applying styles and themes

13.3 Working with lists - bulleted and numbered

13.4 Adding borders and shading to text

13.5 Copying and moving text using Cut/ Copy/ Paste

14.1 Page setup and margins

14.2 Adding headers and footers

14.3 Inserting page breaks and section breaks

14.4 Creating and formatting columns

14.5 Using tables for layout

15.1 Using Styles for consistent formatting

15.2 Customizing Styles and creating new ones

15.3 Inserting and formatting SmartArt graphics

15.4 Adding and formatting text boxes and shapes

15.5 Using WordArt for stylized text

16.1 Inserting images and screenshots

16.2 Formatting and positioning images

16.3 Using the Picture Tools for adjustments

16.4 Wrapping text around images

16.5 Adding captions to images and tables

17.1 Track Changes - reviewing and accepting edits

17.2 Adding comments and annotations

17.3 Comparing and combining documents

17.4 Protecting documents with passwords

17.5 Managing document versions

18.1 Advanced page layout techniques

18.2 Using section breaks for different layouts

18.3 Creating and formatting headers and footers

18.4 Customizing page numbers and page numbering styles

18.5 Designing cover pages and title pages

19.1 Formatting tables - borders/ shading/ styles

19.2 Merging and splitting cells

19.3 Sorting and filtering table data

19.4 Calculations in tables - formulas

19.5 Converting text to tables and vice versa

20.1 Creating and updating Table of Contents

20.2 Inserting and updating Indexes

20.3 Adding cross-references

20.4 Using Citations and Bibliography features

20.5 Creating and managing Bookmarks

21.1 Creating mail merge documents

21.2 Using data sources for mail merge

21.3 Customizing merge fields and formats

21.4 Protecting forms and creating form fields

21.5 Adding drop-down lists and checkboxes to forms

22.1 Exploring the PowerPoint interface

22.2 Creating and saving presentations

22.3 Understanding slides/ placeholders and layouts

22.4 Adding and rearranging slides

22.5 Choosing slide themes and backgrounds

23.1 Inserting and formatting text boxes

23.2 Basic text formatting - font/ size/ color

23.3 Inserting images and screenshots

23.4 Formatting and resizing images

23.5 Using shapes for visuals and icons

24.1 Applying themes and variations

24.2 Customizing slide backgrounds

24.3 Master Slides - header/ footer/ logos

24.4 Using Slide Masters for consistent design

24.5 Creating and modifying layouts

25.1 Inserting audio and video

25.2 Editing and formatting media clips

25.3 Setting playback options

25.4 Adding animations to media elements

25.5 Using the Recording feature for narration

26.1 Applying slide transitions

26.2 Customizing transition effects and timings

26.3 Animating text and objects

26.4 Using animation pane for control

26.5 Creating entrance/ exit and emphasis animations

27.1 Inserting and customizing SmartArt diagrams

27.2 Adding text and shapes to SmartArt

27.3 Creating different types of charts

27.4 Formatting and customizing chart elements

27.5 Animating SmartArt and charts for visual impact

28.1 Running and navigating slide shows

28.2 Presenter view - notes/ slides/ timers

28.3 Setting up slide show options

28.4 Adding hyperlinks for interactivity

28.5 Creating interactive buttons and triggers

29.1 Reviewing and commenting on slides

29.2 Using version history and comparison

29.3 Sharing presentations via email and cloud

29.4 Securing presentations with passwords

29.5 Co-authoring presentations in real-time

30.1 Creating custom slide layouts

30.2 Applying multiple Slide Masters

30.3 Using the Slide Master for consistent branding

30.4 Inserting dynamic content with Slide Master

30.5 Creating custom bullet points and numbering